Serfenta in the New European Bauhaus Award final!
Serfenta is one of the New European Bauhaus Finalists – we are so happy to announce it! New European Bauhaus 2023!!!
What award is that?
We defeated 1300 announcments and projects from the whole Europe and we are the only Polish application in the final ! YAY! In the final they choosed 61 projects, so this is a huge success for us!
The second part was a voting, the whole thing is about financial award.
What is Bauhaus about?
Check here all finalists:
(We are in the Champions catthegory point 2 )
Our project:
Innovation Model of Craft Revitalisation,
Authors: Łucja Cieślar, Paulina Adamska, Urszula Szwed
The innovation model allows one to get the experience of craft work. Combining the elements of tradition and modernity gives a sense of creation and influence physical reality. The main idea of this revitalization project is: less products, more experience. The experience is understood as accessible for everyone because the project is about maximum social inclusion. It’s concerns the crafts in 21st century’s economy and the development of the creative competence of the whole world’s citizens.
Please share the message and keep your fingers crossed for us!
The ceremony will take place in Brussels, 21-22 of June. We are going to be there! Thanks a lot 🙂
Łucja Cieślar, Paulina Adamska i Ula Szwed

fot. Sam Kim