
A new idea – Craft Tour in Poland

Discover out new idea – Craft Tour Roots of Poland – visit Poland and spend 3 days with Serfenta in the heart of Polish nature and crafts.

Craft Tour is a true adventure. Do you like to experience the foreign country from a true, unussual way? This is the idea – visit us and let us guide you to the Polish culture, tradition, craft and our special region. 

We offer 3 days of Craft Tour with Serfenta. We can organise many interesting activities for you in our place. The first day in our workshop and place in a lovely town Cieszyn, the second and third in the village in the heart of the mountains near by. This is not only about the craft but also about people, cuisine, wild nature and life in Poland. Let Serfenta guide you to our world. 

Craft Tour Day 1. Serfenta and Cieszyn

Our main theme will be RELAX. In our place, Serfenta, we are going to show you our work and a special presentation of our way – from research to business. We are going to present natural, plant materials from Polish nature, used for weaving, like wood, straw, cattail, willow, roots and many others. We’ve got here an unique collection of baskets from Poland and from all over the world. Not only ready products – also tools, materials, moulds. We’ve got many objects which are not weaving anymore. But basketry craft which we present is alive – in our work, in our book, workshops and tales, also in our skills.

We are going to tell you also about our cooperations and adventures with Japan, South Korea, Norway, Ukraine. We will tell you what is special in our Polish craft and why people from other countries loves is so much. From the experience we know that the most important thing is – to try, to touch, to smell, to know how and why. This is the true value of craft! Join the world of Serfenta.

Slow city on the border

Our sweet, small town Cieszyn is special – we are located on the border with Czech Republic, a hundred years ago the town was divided between two countries. It is a perfect place for a Craft Tour Roots of Poland. We have many years of experices in teaching craft. The Serfenta is located on the premises of the Museum of Cieszyn Silesia, one of the oldest Museums in Central Europe. We are going to show you the town, our local caffetery, the workshops of our friend also. I f you want we can visit the Czech part of the town and try local dishes. 

CT Day 2. Deep into the roots

This is an adventure with a touch of nature. Let us show you a true craftsman’s place where you can meet our masters of basketry. We are going to take you for a walk to the wild forest to show you how they collect the spruce roots for the baskets. We are going to spend the whole day in the wild nature, with the mountain view and the smell of wood. This is a true relax with the nature and tradition and our basketry stories. We have many stories to tell about this place and many years of research experiences there.

CT Day 3. Crafts in the heart of Beskidy Mountains

The region is a Beskidy Mountains when even three countries have their unique influences. We are going to take to the heart of the mountain for a craft trip. This a village on the south of Poland when our friends, the craftsmans leave. We are going to show you a true craftsman’s place also we will visit the local museum with many craft samples and with a beautiful story about our culture. 

The end of the Craft Tour South Poland take place in Serfenta, Cieszyn.

Visit Poland, try a true craft, join the world of Serfenta!

Read more about Craft Tour here.


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