10 days with the mistress
If you work in Serfenta and prepare a basketry workshops, led by a 79-year-old master of cattail, you have to know you will spend with her 10 days (and nights) full of impressions.
Stefa asked us to look after her during her stay in Cieszyn, which meant arranging accommodation in our homes and attractions during the day. It was funny to prepare a schedule that allowed us to host this extremely vital master and engage various people in the care of her. It turned out that Stefa was a great companion with whom we sang and danced to her music, because she plays harmonica and sings songs. She is self-taught, and the melodies she played moved us and made us laugh at the same time. It was wonderful to do shopping with her when she spent time in front of the mirror trying on these and other dresses, happy that she would look nice. It was exciting to connect her on Skype (her first time with new technologies!) with Agnieszka Bar from Wrocław and to participate in a conversation about basketry traditions and possible connections in the future. It was simply nice to be in the presence of Stefa, who is a warm, friendly person, who passes passion and enthusiasm on not only to us, but also to all participants of our workshops. Thanks to everyone who was with us these days!
Both editions of Master Workshop of cattail – a unique material – in Cieszyn were visited by exceptional lovers of basketry, each of whom created their own unique work. Baskets for herbs, hats, bags, mats were created. We are full of pride that we have such exceptional wealth as basketry skills and more and more people want to share them with us! We are happy that we create opportunities to meet extraordinary people.
“Hey, master and students from all over world, come to the Serfenta’s workshop!”.
Fot. Rafał Soliński