
Craft experience for craft lovers!

🇩🇪🇵🇱 You can’t imagine what a great time we had in Drei Eichen Besucherzentrum für Natur und Umwelterziehung „Drei Eichen”during the craft experience workshops! We all together made an amazing atmosphere, our best organisers (Charlotte and Gauthier, translators Alina and Mocia, and the whole DE team), so friendly participants from Germany and Poland, and our women’s team – it was a power ♥️♥️ It’s a beautiful place and the education centre, connected deeply with nature. They wanted to know more about using wild plants in basketry. So we prepared for their audience the craft experience, and they organised it.

Experiencing nature

They are working with education about nature, environment and natural habitat. Zusammen Sameln is leading workshops of eatable wild plants – so that was the topic which connected us – wild plants. Gauthier and Charlotte asked us – can we also weave with wild plants? Sure we can! – we answered.

Craft experience

Last year we’ve visited Hemslöjden i Skånes butik in Landskrona, so this year we decided to travel to Germany, to Drei Eichen. We are open to share our experience and knowledge with a wide audience! What we offered there?

  • a presentation about our business model “Innovation Model of Craft Revitalisation”, Q&A with audiences and participants
  • a lot of relax and joy of handcrafting!
  • one-day workshops with cattail and straw (for just one day experience)
  • two-days workshops with cattail and straw (then people from the 1st day can cross groups and materials
  • teaching about Polish basketry techniques but also about craft at all
  • knowledge about botanical materials – rye straw, typha latifolia, harvesting, possibilities, preparing for weaving, experimenting.

Take a look at the inside!

Do you know this feeling, that you know someone from the whole life, but you’ve just meet each other? It was our feeling through these days! We leaded 3-days workshop (1+2 days) in Drei Eichen.

Charlotte Bergmann, a leader of Drei Eichen and her team created a great atmosphere, prepared vegetarian food for all, professional translation, and much more. They also took care about a beautiful scenery (magic!) – we saw such a beautiful winter there! Snow and blue sky. ❤ We’ve met amazing people there, from Germany, from Poland also, even from France. This is the most important thing – our basketry workshops connect craft and nature lovers ❤

Visit Drei Eichen if you will travel to Germany! We can recommend this place with all our heart ❤

We’ve been crafting, talking about heritage and how to revitalise it, weaving. But also laughing so hard, experiencing nature, celebrating meals and coffees, spending wonderful time together. And also – surprisingly – spending the best Valentine’s Day ever in a group of craft lovers! 💞

Danke schön! Merci! Dziękujemy! 🥹 For sure we will show you more, when we will get back home. Basketry connects people!

Do you want to order a workshop like this?

If you are looking for something special for your audience – here we are! Waiting to meet our new craft friends!

We can prepare an offer especially for you!

You can also check our craft tours, if you want to visit our place in Cieszyn.

Charlotte Bergmann, Gauthier Saillard and Serfenta Team

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