
Let it weave! – Exhibition in Jaworzynka

On September 7-8, we invite you to Jaworzynka, where together with the basketmaker Jan, a master of Serfenta specializing in weaving from spruce roots, we will show around the exhibition “Let it weave! and introduce local, unique crafts. The exhibition can be seen from September 2, and on September 7 we invite you to the opening and basketry show.

The Serfenta Association exists so that basketry could live! We work with basketry masters, acquiring knowledge and unique manual skills from them. Then we pass them on during workshops that we run throughout the country and abroad. We know everything about basketry!

Place: Muzeum Regionalne “Na Grapie”, 43-476 Jaworzynka 720

The project is cofinanced within National Heritage Board of Poland and programme “Wspólnie dla dziedzictwa”.


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