
Basketry book

Technical information
  • ISBN: 978-83-930204-1-6
  • Pages: 270
  • Cover: paperback
  • Weight: 1 kg
  • Book
    69 pln
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    65 pln
There is a story behind every person. Here you can read the stories of basket makers and join us in the world smelling with willow and straw, the world of the natural life cycle, memories from the distant past, and questions about the future.

Basketry means more than baskets – this is the way and sense of living for the craftspeople. Look at their work-worn hands and… wide smiles! You’ll be surprised by the materials and tools they use to weave as well as by their modern ideas.

We’re happy to offer this book to you. It’s a unique account of our ethnographic research trips and their effects. We followed the trail of the Vistula river to reach traditional folk basket makers – come and join us in this unusual journey!

The book contains a CD including fragments of the most interesting stories and conversations with basket makers as well as songs, chants, and anecdotes. There are also English summaries of each chapter.

By buying this book, you help us save Polish traditional craft!

From the introduction:

In 2009 we set off on a research field trip to meet people who have been weaving for years, acquiring their knowledge from the life itself and from their ancestors. [...] Our in-depth ethnographic interviews usually had a form of several-hour-long casual conversations, with room both for telling stories and showing skills, and simply for getting to know another human being with all his or her feelings, emotions, dreams, and fears.